Create A Pro Website

Create A Pro Website

What is Web Hosting and How Does It Work? [2025]

what is web hosting how does web hosting work
What’s up, Internet!? Today we’re going to be answering the question of what is web hosting and going over a little bit about how it works. As always, we have a video guide for this available on our YouTube Channel and below: We’ll let you know about some great places to sign up for web hosting in case you’re looking to start a website for your blog, portfolio, business, or whatever else you’re dreaming up. Let\'s hop into the article… What is Web Hosting? To help you understand what web hosting is, let’s walk through an example. Imagine you just came up with a new business idea, say to sell blue widgets, and you want to open up a store somewhere in your town. You can register store’s name, get a logo, even make a few widgets. But none of that will matter unless you rent a physical space to set up your shop, and that’s what web hosting is all about. Web hosting is just a service where you’re able to rent space on the internet, fill it with all your files and media (your digital “goods”), then open your doors by publishing your website live to the world. When you start a website, all your text, videos, photos, buttons, etc. have to be stored physically somewhere on a web server – basically a commercial grade computer that’s connected to the internet 99.9% of the time (unlike your laptop, for example). Web hosting companies have buildings filled with these servers and people to keep them running, They’ll even provide you with design platforms, customer support, security, and all sorts of useful tools to make creating and sharing your website easy. When learning about what it takes to start a website, be careful not to confuse buying web hosting with buying a […]

What is a Domain Name? Complete Guide [2025]

what is a domain name
What’s up, Internet! Thinking about creating your own website?If so, you\'ve probably wondered “what is a domain name?” at some point during this journey. As always, we have a video guide for this available on our YouTube Channel and below: Many beginner users confuse domain names with URLs, websites, hosting, and other services. So today, we’ve got a beginner’s guide to help you figure out what a domain name is, how domain names work, how to choose the right domain name for your website, and how to buy a domain name once you’ve found one. Let\'s get into the content… What is a Domain Name? Domain names are (ideally) easy to remember words that are used to find and go to websites. In simple terms, a domain name is like an address for your website. You can think of the internet as a series of intersecting streets that go all around the world. On this world map, your website is your house. In order for anyone to find their way to your house, they’ll need an address. That address is your domain name – the thing people type in their web browser’s URL bar to find you on the streets of the internet. How Do Domain Names Work? To get a little more technical (not too much we promise), the computers on the internet, from that laptop your reader is using to the servers that host your website has an IP address, which is a series of 4-12 numbers separated by dots (.) that let’s computers identify and find each other. For example, here’s the IP address for Create a Pro Website: And if you’re looking for a few seconds of amusement, you can find your computer’s IP address by going to Google here. While these numbers are great for machines, […]